Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Week With Kylee (3)

Sam and Kylee battling to see who is the
true Guitar Hero Rock Star!

While in the mean time...

Adam is playing a really fun basketball game! That he did
good at...While Sarah is...

Driving the awesome amazing go kartz!
She is the best! AAAH what a wonderful driver!
Adam actually said that...
While Sarah is still driving the go kart
sam and kylee are...

playing some adventure was a really fun game...
and it was so funny to see the reactions of Kylee and Sam
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The Week With Kylee!!! (2)

Kylee going for the shot...and she makes it...
wait to go Kylee!

She shoots the scores!
I was pretty awesome at the game that I got
the High Score!
I challenge all the deacons in my Sunday School class
to a match off! or what ever it is called!

My nerdy cousin Kylee in a rocket ship!
Haha she isn't really nerdy but she looks like it!

Me in the awesome space ship!
5...4...3...2...1...BLAST OFF!!!
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The Week With KYLEE!!! (1)

My cousin Kylee and Adam in the Go-Kartz at

My mom was the passenger and i was the driver! I was
a pretty awesome driver! You all better be prepared when
i will be driving a real car! Its going to be awesome!

My cousin Kylee and I doing Dance Dance Revolution...
Kylee is probably beating me since i sucked at that

Kylee picking the song and everything else for us to dance to!
Sam just standing there in the background looking mysterious!
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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Family Pictures (2)

Such a cute family we are... The Hellewell's
My dad is the second oldest out of all 8 kids and
is the oldest boy...we are such a wonderful size family
so glad we don't have eight kids in our family...but I Love all
my aunt and uncles

We also look cute and awesome in black and white...
wait is that brown and black or black and white...whatever
I think that is called Sephia or something like that...haha

Us kids are so cute...if you are wondering why the girl
in the yellow shirt is so much tanner then us other kids it is
because she is my cousin from Georgia

We have pretty awesome faces...
Kylee...she is just looking at Sam or the rest of us
Sam...staring off into space like usual
Adam...Looking really mad or something not very happy to be there
Sarah...I do not know what i am doing...she just said do something beside smile so i did something...haha
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Family Pictures (1)

My Dad and Mom with my brother Adam Sister Sam
Me and my Cousin Kylee

Me my sister Sam my cousin Kylee and my brother Adam
all standing there and talking

Me my sister Sam my cousin Kylee and my brother Adam
all walking away from the camera

My mom Nikki My sister Sam My brother Adam ME My Dad Chris
Aren't we such a cute family

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

New friend in math

YEAH! I am so happy! I have a new friend!

His name is Parker Kowal! He's in my math class! We're now friend thanks to a seventh grader in my peer tutoring class that likes him!

He wants me to bring cookies to class on Tuesday! I sure am going to!

It will be a blast!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Funny Cousins

I have to cousins one is 2 years old and the other is 6 months old!

They are already at the stage where they fight over the samething!

Well I guess Anna the 2 year old being the oldest doesn't help that she doesn't like it when Wesley plays with her toys!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More Dresses!

Sara that is the most amazing dress
I've ever seen! That make me want
to buy it!

That yellow dress I luv!
Good choice Merium!
That should go great with Sam's
yellow heels!
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Sam and her Friends in dresses

That is such a cute dress Sam!
That is my favorite color!

That is a beautiful dress!
Great dress for a dance!
Know that shall get a boy
to ask you now!
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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Please copy this and paste it in the address bar!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Take a quiz about Sarah!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

First Time Hanging Out with Whittney

Yesterday My friend Kallie came over to see if I could play but I couldn't quite yet! As soon as I could I called her to tell her I could play but her mom told me she was at my other friends house! So I went there to see if they could both play! As soon as Alex came out from asking her mom she said "I can only play with one friend at a time!

Then I bored and decided to call Whittney! I called Whittney and her dad answered and said that she wasn't there but he would have her call my back. A couple of minutes later Whittney calls to see why I called and told her I was wondering if she could have a late night! She said she could as soon as she vacuumed her room!

After she was done with vacuuming her room she called me and asked if I could still play! I said yes so she came over and we had a blast!

At first we started to bug Adam and his friends then we got the old video camera out and recored stuff for fun! Then it was time for dinner! When we got to the table my dad said that he forgot the gravy but we can go with out it! Me and Whit told him that we have to have gravy ! So he made it!

After Dinner me and Whittney drew something on the white board! Then We watched Confessions of a teenage drama queen! As soon as the movie was over! Me and Whittney looked at the the clock and saw that it wasn't 9:30 yet! As soon as we were about to go play a game! Whittney stepped on Adam's Nerf Guns Box! She decided that we needed to play dart tag so we did and she ended up winning! We also had fun when we play dart tag because we played it in the dark!

Well that is all i have to tell you about that night see ya all l8er!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First Day of Fourth Grade

Bottom:Kallie Mounteer, Jon Clark, Abby Carver,
Sarah Hellewell, Kristen Clark,
Sierra Remington
Top: Nate Remington, Sam Hellewell, Harley Steele

Top: Nate Remington, Sam Hellewell, Harley Steele
Bottom: Gabe Hanson, Gus Hanson, Kallie Mounteer, Jon Ckark,
Sarah Hellewell, Kristen Clark,
Sierra Remington
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Monday, January 4, 2010

Speech teacher though...

So when I went to speech today (1-4-2010) my teacher asked me what I got for christmas i told her I got an I-home and she thought I said I-phone no my mom would never let me get one of those! She said then what did you get then I told her I-home and she understood me more clearly!