Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Week With Kylee (3)

Sam and Kylee battling to see who is the
true Guitar Hero Rock Star!

While in the mean time...

Adam is playing a really fun basketball game! That he did
good at...While Sarah is...

Driving the awesome amazing go kartz!
She is the best! AAAH what a wonderful driver!
Adam actually said that...
While Sarah is still driving the go kart
sam and kylee are...

playing some adventure was a really fun game...
and it was so funny to see the reactions of Kylee and Sam
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The Week With Kylee!!! (2)

Kylee going for the shot...and she makes it...
wait to go Kylee!

She shoots the scores!
I was pretty awesome at the game that I got
the High Score!
I challenge all the deacons in my Sunday School class
to a match off! or what ever it is called!

My nerdy cousin Kylee in a rocket ship!
Haha she isn't really nerdy but she looks like it!

Me in the awesome space ship!
5...4...3...2...1...BLAST OFF!!!
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The Week With KYLEE!!! (1)

My cousin Kylee and Adam in the Go-Kartz at

My mom was the passenger and i was the driver! I was
a pretty awesome driver! You all better be prepared when
i will be driving a real car! Its going to be awesome!

My cousin Kylee and I doing Dance Dance Revolution...
Kylee is probably beating me since i sucked at that

Kylee picking the song and everything else for us to dance to!
Sam just standing there in the background looking mysterious!
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